Here you will find current vacancies and job offers around Austin for bilingual and cross-cultural related job opportunities Interested applicants should apply directly to the information provided by the employer under

the job details.



The Applied Research Laboratories of the University of Texas at Austin (ARL:UT) has close to 100 full-time opportunities available, seeking smart and motivated individuals with a strong passion and background in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) who can fill junior and senior research positions. ARL:UT is looking for people who can work inside the box but think outside the box to research and develop world-class technologies and ideas. As part of the University of Texas system and under governance of the state of Texas, ARL:UT offers incredible benefits such as lifetime pension and tuition remission. Please visit ARL:UT Job Listing for Non-UT Employees ( for more information on these positions.


ARL:UT also offers post-doctoral research opportunities for those who completed their Ph.D. within the past three years in the areas of engineering, physics, mathematics, or other related applied sciences. Individuals with research experience in underwater acoustics or signal processing are preferred, but all candidates are encouraged to apply including those with backgrounds in computational physics/mechanics, probability theory, and computer programming. Please visit Apply for a PostDoc Position at ARL:UT ( for more information on these positions.


Finally, ARL:UT offers year-round student employment and summer research apprenticeship for graduating high school seniors, undergraduates, and graduate students in the sciences, engineering, or related technical fields. Please visit Student Employment at ARL:UT ( for more information on these student positions.




2021 API summer internship program sponsored by APAPA / IACT. Please share with your community and encourage them to apply.  For more information, click below link:  2021 Summer Internship


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